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About Us

Train with Confidence

ABC Firearms Tactics was established on January 7 2020. ABC stands for Assess, Be confident, Cautiously proceed and you will never be confident without training. Our team is constructed of NRA, USCCA, Military, and Law Enforcement.

Our Mission: To empower the community through firearms safety, training and awareness. We work in the community, through the community, for the community.


Quick FAQs

Do felonies prevent licensure - yes

Do I need a FOID to take the concealed carry class - no

How old do you have to be - you may train with us at the age of 18, must be 21 to obtain concealed carry (unless kids course)

Does the concealed carry certificate expire - no

If concealed is suspended or revoked can I get it back - Possibly, book a consultation

How long does it take to receive concealed carry license - This is a state police matter, however it usually takes between 90 and 120 days

After I take the course can I conceal carry - no, you still have to apply for the license

Must I attend 100% of course time to pass concealed carry class - Yes



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